
Monday, February 15, 2016

Mercury's Geocentric Longitude 126.50 After The Sun OR George Bayer's Rule No-32

"This rule is one of the strangest I have been able to find. It is very simple, although it entails work to project correctly. We use the geocentric longitude of Sun at any important top or bottom. To this longitude we add each time the value 126 Deg 30'. When the addition has been made and the exact place located in the Zodiac; i.e. the degrees and minutes and the right sign belonging to them, we look when Mercury is going to pass this point. Hold fast that day! The movement that developed previously at the Sun's place will come off in the same direction at the Mercury place. Thus, Mercury imitates the Sun effect...."

This is what George Bayer said in his Rule No- 32.

So what we have to do is-

  1. Adding 126.50 (decimal degrees equivalent to 126 deg. 30’) to the degrees of Sun. The degrees of Sun need to be taken from the day when the Stock/Index made an important Top or Bottom.
  2. After addition, we will get some new value. Now, when Mercury passes this new value, the stock/market will move in the same direction, the one which Sun did previously, i.e. Mercury will imitate the Sun.

Sometimes, a small top or bottom has given a very good trend reversal

About the second part, where George Bayer said that Mercury will imitate the Sun, but sometimes reverse happened. Not often, but it did. Don’t know why? 

Thus this Rule can be best used for Trend Reversal…

Sometimes a day after the date, trend got reversed.









Note: The Crude data has been taken from

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