
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

DLF - Heliocentric Longitude of Saturn with arbitrary constant numbers 0.528565 & 5.28565

I don’t remember how I found this “nuskha”, but it works…

Take any significant High/Low. Note down the HELIOCENTRIC degrees of Saturn on that day.

Add 0.528565 and 5.28565 to it.

Now check when Saturn comes very close to these values. Rather, the value should be crossed.

I have attached the image with 2 examples on it.

Let us take the first one, for explanation.

On 08/12/2014, DLF made a significant top (marked with a black arrow). Heliocentric Saturn was at 236.51941 degrees.

Adding 0.528565 to 236.51941 gives 237.047975.

Now, on 25/12/2014 Heliocentric Saturn was at 237.04255 degrees (time of these degrees is 9:30 AM). Saturn had not crossed the required degrees. These degrees were crossed on 26/12/2014 and was 237.07331. I have marked this date with black colored line “A”.

Now adding 5.28565 to 236.51941 gives 241.80506. Saturn crossed these degrees on 31/05/2015, marked with black colored lines “B”.

In the second example, DLF made low on 11/03/2015. Saturn was at 239.37626 degrees on this date (at 9:30 AM). Adding 0.528565 gives 239.904825, which was on 27/03/2015, marked with light blue colored line “A”.

Now adding 5.28565 to the degrees of Saturn of 11/03/2015 gives us 244.66191. Saturn crossed these degrees on 01/09/2015. This is marked with light blue colored line “B”.

As, I have not updated my software, I am attaching another image to show you what happened with DLF on 01/09/2015…. You can back test this “nuskha”. Sometimes the trend changes after 1 day.

If you have noted both the arbitrary constant numbers, you will see that the second is 10 times the first or first is one-tenth of the second. Actually I started with the second one i.e. 5.28565.

Note: I have taken the Heliocentric Longitude from ZET 9 Lite (free version)

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