
Friday, September 25, 2015

George Bayer Rule No. 2A OR VENUS - Heliocentric Latitude (Method - 2)

I hope all of you have understood the previous method of using Heliocentric Latitude of Venus to find the CITs (Turning Points or Turning Dates or Trend Reversal Dates). There is another method, using the Heliocentric Latitude of Venus to find the same.

This method is from Stock and Commodity Trader’s Hand-book of Trend Determination by George Bayer. This is Rule No. 2A. (Page No. will vary depending upon the version which you have. ;) )

Measure from important tops or bottoms by using Venus in heliocentric position. Project from such tops or bottoms the value of 4° 58'. During certain periods I found that 4° 52' would be more advantageous, but the difference is so small it is not important .....

The decimal equivalent of 4° 58' is 4.96667 and that of 4° 52' is 4.86667. The difference between these 2 values is of 0.1. I have used 4.96667 for the demonstrations.

And the maximum latitude value of Venus, southwards is -3.39492 and northwards is 3.39495

Coming to steps…..

Take any significant (I have dropped the word "important") low or high. Note down the value heliocentric latitude. 

If the value is negative, then add 4.96667 to it. If the value if positive, the substract it from 4.96667. If this value is lesser or greater then the max. value of -3.39492/3.39495, then add/substract the max. value respectively.

We got a positive answer. Now put a negation (minus) sign to it. Now we have 2 values, answer value and answer value with negation sign. Check when Venus crosses these latitude values, in future. Those dates will be CITs or trend change dates or turning dates.

On 17-Oct-2014, Nifty made a low; the latitude of Venus was 2.90275. Being a positive value, we will substract it from 4.96667, which gives 2.06392. Another value will be -2.06392. Below image is self explanatory. 

 L1 and L2 lines are for 2.06392 and -2.06392 respectively. A, B, C, D, E, F (Red Vertical Lines) are the days when Venus crossed the lines L1 and L2. G is the day coming on 02-Oct-2015, Friday, a holiday when Indian Market will be closed. So we should consider the next trading session, which will be on 05-Oct-2015, Monday. (Sometimes NSE trades on Saturday’s. If this happens then we will need to check it on 03-Oct-2015)

The Blue vertical lines are for the maximum latitude value, both sides. These too are important for trend reversals. 

The below image is of RELIANCE. Here I have shown how the ZERO Line too, gives us trend reversal indicated by Magenta vertical lines. The next ZERO Line crossing is on Sunday, 27-Oct-2015, so will take 28-Oct-2015. And the next L1 and L2 crossing, derived from the low of 14-Jan-2015 will be on 09-Oct-2015 and 13-Nov-2015.

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