
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Important Dates for NIFTY using Combustion and Conjunction of Mercury & Sun-2

As per my astrology software, JHora 8.0, for Mumbai, the actual Date/Time of Conjunction is 29-Dec-2016 at 00:17.

The dates and respective information is given below:

A - 28-Nov-2016 - Mercury starts combustion
B - 01-Feb-2017 - Mercury ends combustion

C - 14-Dec-2016 - Sun at starting degrees of Combustion
D - 11-Jan-2017 - Sun at end degrees of Combustion

E - 29-Dec-2016 - Conjunction Date

F - 20-Dec-2016 - Mercury Retrograde  ** After Indian Stock Market closes
G - 08-Jan-2017 - Mercury Direct           ** Time is around 15:12, when we are closing

H - 08-Dec-2016 - Mercury at Conjunction degrees, before going Retrograde
I - 20-Jan-2017 - Mercury at Conjunction degrees, after going Direct

J - 22-Dec-2016 - Sun at Orb of 6.66 deg. before Conjunction
K - 04-Jan-2017 - Sun at Orb of 6.66 deg. after Conjunction

L - 25-Dec-2016 - Sun at Orb of 3.33 deg. before Conjunction
M - 31-Dec-2016 - Sun at Orb of 3.33 deg. after Conjunction

Note: For point F and G, one may also consider the next trading session date.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Apogee and Perigee of Moon and Super (Duper) Moon

The Moon’s distance from Earth varies due to its elliptical orbit around the Earth. So, when the Moon can be at closest of farthest point from Earth.

Apogee is the farthest point from the Earth whereas Perigee is the closest point from the Earth. When at Perigee, the closest point, Moon appears larger than normal.

Supermoon is the coincidence of a Full Moon (or New Moon or Poornima) and also the Moon is at Perigee. The technical term is Perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. The opposite of Supermoon is Micromoon.

Most of us have studied or heard that Moon have an effect of tides due to its gravitational pull. So the Perigee and Apogee phenomena will have an effect on the tides on Earth.

Does this Apogee and Perigee phenomena effects Stock Markets?


This effect has been proved by many, both pictorially and statistically. So, why am I doing it again?

To know the reason, go through all the images.

BTW, I too, will be watching this astronomical phenomenon. J

Below are the self explanatory images.

The first image shows the distance of Moon from Earth with Apogee and Perigee. 

Many people (traders) thus use Moon’s distance from Earth to determine the trend reversal. The Apogee and Perigee points or date with +/- 1 day has shown trend reversal. See below image. I have used NIFTY50 Index for the same.

Now coming to another point, this too can be used as a probable trend reversal point.
Note the distance of Moon at Perigee/Apogee and also at Apogee/Perigee. Find the mid-point of this. Now, when Moon is that much farthest from Earth, we get a trend reversal. This need to be calculated for each cycle.


On April 30, 2015, Moon was at a distance of 405085 km from Earth. This was the Apogee Point. On May 16, 2015, Moon was at Perigee with a distance of 366084.67 km. The Mid-Point will 385584.85 km. Moon crossed this distance somewhere around May 7, 2015. And we got a low on this date!!!

The Mid-Point value can be obtained by doing simple mathematics. Find the difference of two extreme values and either subtract it from the highest value of add to the lowest value. :)

See the below image to have a clear idea.


Most of the time, the Mid-Point has given trend reversal.


Friday, September 30, 2016

Logitudinal Difference between SUN, MERCURY and VENUS - 3

To know more, read the article.

Longitudinal difference between 2 planets is the distance between them in term of longitudinal degrees. The common term for this is Elongation, which can be Eastward and Westward.

You can take Google's help to know it better. :)

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Combustion of Jupiter

This article should have been posted a couple of weeks ago, so that we should have known the important dates quite before. Well… it’s always better to be late than never. :)
Coming to the point…..

 Jupiter is now in the state of combustion, which started on 03-Aug-2016 and will be up to 18-Nov-2016. As Jupiter is a slow moving planet, I have considered Orb of Influence of 3.33 and 6.66 degrees.

Using NIFTY 50, an Indian Index, I have tried to explain you this event.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Below is an example of BANK NIFTY and GOLD. The color code of all vertical lines is the same as used in the previous images.



It can be seen that, Jupiter at starting and ending degrees of Combustion, at the Orb of 3.33 and 6.66, before and after the conjunction gives a trend reversal.

Similarly, Sun, when at the degrees of starting and ending of combustion also gives a reversal in trend. Same effect can be seen when Sun is at the Orb of 6.66 degrees before and after the conjunction.