
Thursday, April 25, 2019

An EXTENSION to George Bayer's Rule No- 44 (Mercury Halfway Retrograde)

You might be surprised with the word “EXTENSION” that appeared in the title…..

What the word “EXTENSION” means…..

I will explain it, but first try to understand what Mr. George Bayer stated in his Rule No- 44.

In his book, “Stock and Commodity Traders´ Hand-Book of Trend Determination”, stated …


The rule here concerns only the retrograde movement and centers specifically on the halfway point from the moment Mercury turns retrograde to the place where it moves again direct. We figure the difference of these two places in the Zodiac, divide by two and look in the ephemeris (Raphael’s) for the date when this halfway point is reached….

Now, coming to “EXTENSION” ….. This is in 2 parts.

PART - 1

NOT ONLY…. MERCURY does this, but other planets also give the same effect…..

Below are the images of NIFTY (Indian Index) with Jupiter and Venus halfway Retrograde event.

NIFTY Jupiter Halfway Retrograde

NIFTY Venus Halfway Retrograde

PART – 2

NOT ONLY….. HALFWAY does, but HALF of Halfway also works!!!!!

Below are the images of NIFTY (Indian Index) with Jupiter and Venus halfway Retrograde event.

NIFTY Jupiter HALF of Halfway Retrograde

NIFTY Venus HALF of Halfway Retrograde

Some more.....

CRUDE-INT Mars HALF of Halfway Retrograde

CRUDE-INT Venus HALF of Halfway Retrograde

USDJPY Venus HALF of Halfway Retrograde

1. CRUDE-INT means Crude Futures
2. USDJPY, the currency pair
3. End of the day data for both Crude Futures and USDJPY taken from
4. Ephmeris data taken at 9:15 am, Place: My Residence. ;)